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Набор датчиков для Arduino

Артикул:  DEV-11016
Вес: 0.1 кг
Оригинальное название: Sensor Kit

Не поставляется! Замена -  Набор датчиков для Arduino.

Description: Want to start playing with sensors, but don't know where to start? This kit includes a sensor for just about every job. With everything included in this kit, you'll be able to sense acceleration, distance, compass heading, vibration, humidity, movement, ambient light, temperature, and more! These are our favorite sensors from each category.

This new version of the kit replaces the, now end-of-life, HMC5843 with the new HMC5883L.

This huge assortment of sensors makes an amazing gift for that very special electronics geek; they won't be able to thank you enough!
Kit Includes:

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