ft:pedia 2/2012

Вышел второй в этом году выпуск электронного журнала ft:pedia. В журнале публикуются авторские статьи, посвященные конструкторам fischertechnik. Всего на данный момент опубликовано шесть номеров ft:pedia.

ft:pedia 2/2012

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комментария 3

  1. Stefan Falk:

    Hello friends!

    As one of the two publishers of ft:pedia, I want to thank you for referencing our publication (sorry that I don’t speak Russian).

    How did you come to the magazine? You do know that you are welcome if you should want to translate the contents into russian language? If you like, we might begin some conversation about ft:pedia and fischertechnik.

    Best Regards,

  2. Stefan Falk:

    Hello Григорий ;-)

    If you have something interesting to show in an ft:pedia issue, you are very welcome to do so! I guess you could write the article in english language, and we would translate it into german (as ft:pedia is a german language publication). Nevertheless we could also provide your original english version, as the PDF doesn’t have any size restriction.

    Please forward your contribution idea via e-mail to ftpedia@ftcommunity.de and we are in contact. This way, both of us publishers (Dirk Fox and me) have all the information necessary.

    Best Regards to some 1000s km away :-)
    Stefan Falk

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