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Video Game Shield

Артикул:  KIT-10226
Вес: 0.1 кг
Оригинальное название: Video Game Shield

Снято с производства

Description: The Video Game Shield is an Arduino add-on shield to make your own video games, including graphics, text, sound effects, and music! Using the power of open source, this shield includes everything you need to make awesome black-and-white video games on your TV. It supports up to two Nintendo Wii Nunchuck controllers for an easy and familiar interface.

The Video Game Shield works great on many Arduino boards, including the Uno and Duemilanovae, and on Arduino-compatible boards like the Freeduino. However, it requires a few minor changes to work on the Arduino Mega.

Check out the examples below. All you need is an Arduino, a Wii Nunchuck, and you can start playing classic games! You can also use it for your own custom games or take advantage of the libraries to use it for your own application where you need audio and video from an Arduino.


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